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Media 媒體

楊介人醫學影像中心擁有世界最先進的“640切電腦斷層Aquilion ONE”高速掃描/超級精準/微量輻射

The Canon Aquilion ONE 640 is now available at United Premier Physicians.

Dr. An Pang Chieng

At United Premier Physicians, patients will benefit from state-of-the-art technology, including access to the Canon Aquilion One - Genesis Edition. This top-of-the line CT Scanner provides your radiologist and treating physician with 640-slice imagery that is unsurpassed in quality and accuracy. No other provider in the San Gabriel Valley provides this level of precision. This detailed information is crucial for proper diagnosis, and for the determination of your best course of treatment.

Dr. An Pang Chieng

楊介人聯合醫學影像中心使用世界最先進的3D斷層乳癌檢測儀 這是南加州第一台數位多切面掃描儀,可從不同角度照攝,電腦合成影像。幫助醫師清晰分辨癌症與乳房組織,降低偽陽性,照攝時的擠壓疼痛感小。 3D斷層儀是乳癌篩檢的首選!早期發現是治愈的關鍵!

3D Mammography

We are proud to be one of the first providers of multi-sectional 3D Mammography in the Chinese community. This state-of-the-art breast screening system provides much better results than traditional 2D systems. We utilize Hologic Selenia Dimensions® 3D Mammography, one of the most advanced breast screening system in the world! High-resolution 3D scans. Multiple-angle imagery. More comfort. Better results!

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